
You just arrived to coach one or several new teams, or mayben even a whole department or company.
You have begun by observing and you ended up undertsanding that things were really going bad here even though people do not see it. A major project might be heading for failure or people might be massively resigning. Anyway, the current situation appears desperate to you and you feel that you really got there too late to be of any use.


You need to lower your expectations right now. Forget about what you had in mind for them and get ready to really help them with what is there.

There are too main possible situations: either they know that things are going bad or they don't.
In the first case, you need to build trust to be able to help them change.
In the second case, you need to create the sens of urgency necessary for them to accept the change.



See the article LowHangingFruits[WIP]


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