
You or someone else at the organization you are coaching have trained people about agility or whatever framework you are to use. You feel you have built the foundations for Agile (whatever that means), yet, when you start actually coaching the teams, it feels like they start from zero.

Either people have forgotten everything they were told at the training, or they do remember but they cannot link what they have learned with their day to day job and actual project or team.


Train teams, not individuals.

And do it Just in Time.


Big companies with a culture of "rolling out" change like you roll out a new version of Microsoft Office tend to train everybody regardless of their day to day reality. They may have a company KPI for the number of people trained. Which leads to more training... and little consideration for the value delivered by those trainings.

Instead, Teams should be trained together, and at the right time. This:

  • prevents people from forgetting what they have learned by the time they are to use this knowledge
  • allows contextualizing the training to the team's specifics
  • enables team building
  • reduces training waste

Related page: FocusOnOneTeam

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